Regardless of whether you are male or female, probably in more than one occasion you've imagined or imagined as would or would you like that magical moment, candles, lights, a cabin on a rainy day, beachfront, in the bathtub, in short, many things can go through your mind, however, the truth is that although we regret to break your illusions, there are only a 2% chance that this encounter is like never before (and yes you went through this, not us you'll stop lying).
But still, the fact that things do not go as planned, does not mean that the time is bad, however, there are certain things that no matter what happens, you must be AWARE @ before it happens.
Here are 10 things you need to know before your first time, pay close attention:
1. It is not so pleasant
Surely all this time you heard wonders about this practice, however, you must be aware that the first time is not always rewarding, as well as that there may be a little pain, if you do it with someone too new to the subject, this or this know not please you as you wish. Experience plays a fundamental role.
2. 90% of the time is not planned
As we discussed at the beginning you, no matter how many times it plans always end up doing it at the least expected moment.
3. Only 2% marries the person who does it for the first time
Fairy tales are beautiful, but SURPRISE, this is the reality and you must know that there is a tiny chance that you marry the person you inside the world of adults. Hard but true.
4. The person who did the first time will NOT be the love of your life
It is likely that at this time're Llen @ love for him or her and you feel that nothing in the world is going to separate, they will love forever and that is the love of your life, but if we do not want to hurt your heart, you should know that this is totally false. The illusion is normal, but there is a 98% chance that at some point end and you and the other person fall in love again and this time for real.
5. If you can get pregnant the first time
GIRLS, no matter if it is the first time, the chances of getting pregnant are the same as if you had already done 100 times, do not risk, CUIDATE.
6. The chances you get to "that magic moment" for the first time are nil
Nerves, stress, lack of experience and no knowledge of your body are decisive factors not reach that point, so if it does not happen, quiet, relax, and then come.
7. Not all relationships will reach that peak
Now suppose you already have experience in the subject but Tweet 2 discover that sometimes get and others do not ... This is normal, because as you we discussed in the previous section, nerves, stress, worries, problems, inexperience your partner, in short, everything is key to "explode" or not.
8. The eternal love lasts only 3 months
No, it's not a joke nor a malicious, simple comment and simply is the truth. The butterflies in the stomach, the thrill every time you go what to see, nervousness and thoughts classic "it's perfect" just will last 3 months, so if you manage to overcome them, act with love, respect and above all confidence to bring a solid relationship.
9. A man will love you more after the first time
Contrary to what most women think, men generate much stronger bond after the first time, since knowing your most voluble state, closeness and desire for protection to you increases.
10. Even with protection can get an infection
Although the use of "cap" is essential in any relationship, you should be aware that their use does not protect you 100%. Remember that accidents happen, so there are chances that these break and can get pregnant or in the worst case a disease. The best thing to do is to have a stable relationship and do not forget that hygiene is essential.
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